Puppies Are Adorable...
and they are a big committment, so please take some time to look around our site and find out if a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel might be right for you. A good place to start is reading the article So You Want A Cavalier. Then you might take a look at our Rescue section and see if a rescue dog is right for you. Keep in mind that rescue dogs are very special dogs and they require very special people. If you are looking for a puppy or an adult dog, consider our Breeder Referral page.Breeder Referral page.Breeder Referral page. All of the breeders on our breeder referral page have been members of our club for at least two years and have signed our Ethical Guidelines. It is still important to do your homework to be certain that you are comfortable with any breeder. For just $3.00, we sell a publication in our online store titled The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, A Puppy Buyers Guide .
Bringing a puppy in to your home is a big decision, please take your time to find the right puppy. Click Here for a list of questions (from the American Kennel Club) to ask breeders when you are looking for a puppy.