In 1993, the American Kennel Club asked to meet with members of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, USA (CKCSC, USA) to discuss full AKC recognition of the breed. The AKC explained that they had been contacted by a significant number of Cavalier owners that had expressed interest in taking advantage of American Kennel Club services and numerous competitive events. Those to represent the CKCSC, USA at that meeting were Dr. Randi Rosvoll, President, Mr. Robert Smith, Vice-President, Mr. John D. Gammon, a member of the Board of Directors and Mr. Bayard Hochberg, an attorney and club member. The AKC was represented by Mr. Terry Stacy, a Vice-President, Mr. Dennis R. Sprung, head of Event Plans, and Dr. James Edwards, a member of the Board of Directors. Mr. Robert Smith of the CKCSC, USA did not attend the meeting, nor did he inform the other members representing the CKCSC, USA that he would not be attending. After trying to contact Mr. Smith without result, and waiting a reasonable amount of time, the meeting began without him. The AKC representatives explained that the Miscellaneous Class was not meant to be a "parking place" for breeds, but was for those breeds actively seeking full AKC recognition. They explained that the United States was the only country in the free world that did not recognize the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. As the CKCSC, USA had been keeping registration records and holding shows for decades, the AKC said it would welcome that club "in attaining the position as the American Kennel Club Parent Club for your breed." The AKC reps pointed out the vast resources that would become available to the club and the breed, including the millions of dollars that AKC allocates for health research, which now falls under the Canine Health Foundation. They went on further to explain that if the CKCSC, USA was not prepared to do so, they had a sufficient number of Cavalier owners who would do it. It was made absolutely clear to the CKCSC, USA that the American Kennel Club was going to recognize Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, with or without them. There was no question about this. At the end of the meeting Mr. Gammon asked them directly if it was their intention to recognize the breed even if the club members were opposed to it, and the AKC answered Yes. They told the CKCSC, USA that they would allow a reasonable amount of time for them to ask their membership if they wished to become the Parent Club for the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The CKCSC, USA is a club composed of those whose primary goals do not lie with the breeding or showing of Cavaliers. Many of the most prolific breeders furnished their pet buyers with memberships in the club. This resulted in a few people controlling very large voting blocks, and they were able to approve or strike down anything they wanted. It should be further explained that when the ballot was sent out to the membership, it was worded in such a way as to assure its defeat. Instead of asking if the membership wished to become the Parent Club for Cavaliers, the question was put "Do you want Cavaliers to be recognized by the AKC?" They were able to convince a majority of the membership that it could stop the AKC, and the vote for breed recognition was soundly defeated. As the Parent Club is ultimately responsible for the protection of a breed, what this vote really proved was that the CKCSC, USA decided that their club was more important than Cavaliers were. |