
Millenium Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Health Survey

The American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club would like to know about the health of Cavaliers in the Twenty-First Century. In order to get a good picture of what the health of a Cavalier over it's lifespan is, we have decided to include dogs that were born on January 1st, 2000 through the end of our survey(end date here). We know may of these dogs have passed but feel they are equally important in our Health Survey. In order to have a one to one relationship between a dog and its health history, we ask that you fill out one survey per dog. This survey is completely confidential.

We ask about a lot of health conditions in this survey that you may not know about or understand. If you have never heard of a condition, that is great! It means that your dog did not likely have it. Don't let the questions overwhelm you, just like in a human health history, there will likely be a lot of "NO" answers. The survey should only take about 5-10 minutes per dog and will give us a wealth of knowledge as the ACKCSC Charitable Trust continues to fund research that affect our dogs.

Breeders, please start with your dogs that were born in 2000. If you have placed the dog, but are still in touch with the owners so that you know the health history of the dog, please include them in this survey. If you have lost touch and don't have a health history on this dog, please do not include them. We ask that you share this survey to all of the people that you have sold to or placed puppies with. We know this will be time consuming for breeders, but the more information that you give us, the better we can serve the needs of future Cavaliers.

General Owner Information:

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